A couple attempting to have their second child was told by doctors that their 16-week-old baby wouldn't make it. She suffered from "Mermaid Syndrome," and if carried to term, she would've been stillborn. Aaron Gouveia and his wife made the decision that many people can't bring themselves to do: to terminate the pregnancy. On the way to the clinic, the couple was confronted by two anti-abortion protesters who made a point to further traumatize them about their decision.
Their ignorance made Aaron snap, and rightfully so. While his wife was in surgery, he went back outside to speak to the two women still standing outside. He also brought his cell phone to record video footage.
Abortion really strikes a nerve with me. Not because I'm against it, but because I'm so frustrated by the public's lack of empathy. Why should a woman be forced to carry a dying or dead baby to term? What does this accomplish? Furthermore, what if the mother's health is at risk? What if the child is a product of incest or rape?
This is pure common sense. And the people who do abuse abortion as their form of birth control shouldn't represent the women who have legitimate reasons. I'm willing to bet that half of the protesters you see holding up pictures of mangled fetuses would change their tune in a minute if they were put in such a situation.
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