Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Cutting down on the fiscal woes of college.

If you're not one of the lucky students with an all expenses paid trip to the college of your choice, then you and your wallet have probably done some heavy pouting at your account summary. College is never "cheap". It's bad enough that the cost of tuition tends to spike up every year or so, but factor in textbooks, living accommodations, gas, parking permits, general fees, supplies... It gets pretty pricey. Not that your hard-earned (or most likely your parents') pennies aren't worth it, but let's face it: college can bleed you dry. Depending on your major of choice, it's very likely that you'll also require extra - and sometimes expensive - software to get you through certain classes. Microsoft Office 2007 usually goes for $100, and this version is already three years old.

Some bigger universities actually offer their students some of the big names in computer software. Louisiana State University's "TigerWare" website allows current students to download Microsoft Office, Adobe imaging programs, Windows 7 operating system, and other popular and useful programs for free or at discounted prices. Unfortunately, not every university has the finances to give students such a luxury. However, there is a solution: freeware.

Freeware is exactly what it sounds like, and there is an abundance of it circulating around the internet. One of my favorites is the Microsoft Offce doppelganger, Open Office. Though Open Office looks more simplistic, its programs perform the same functions as its Microsoft counterpart. It can even open documents with a Microsoft ending extension, as well as save them with one. (If you'd like, you can download it here!)

It doesn't just stop at Open Office, though. Freeware covers a variety of categories: educational, graphics and design, security, language tools, and even games for your off time. Check them out for yourself!

Popular Freeware Sites:

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